Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Pencil Me In

People are always asking me what’s on my agenda, how does my schedule look, what’s coming up. Now, I say people as though I think everyone cares what my days and nights consist of, and that is not the case. I know most people do not; I’m not that egotistical (although, I am kind of a big deal). A very, very small fish in an ocean, I do not pretend to be more important than I actually am, although do lead an unusually stuffed life. Here’s how I think of it; most people are curious by nature, wanting to explore and question that which they do not understand. Well, being on the move gives me a certain something, not sure what, but whatever it is, not everyone has it. This could be a good or bad thing, depending on who you ask. My neighbor, Joe, born and raised in Roxborough (the neighborhood I live in), shakes his head each time he sees me.

“They still chargin you rent here, Cate? Where ya been? Where ya off to now? We never hear ya”
First of all, he always acts as though I’m doing something wrong by vacating the neighborhood without proper clearance. And I’ve never heard of not being able to hear your neighbor being a bad thing. I live above a couple who just had a baby, and let’s just say, I’ve not heard so much as a coo from this thing, and I sure ain’t complaining. But, Joe’s a good guy and his line of questioning is always met with my shit eating grin. I play the blonde, I don’t know, I’ve been busy card and try to explain as little as possible (enough just to get his eyebrows to stop jamming into the top of his head) and put the key into my door (which apparently is dusty from lack of entry).
This neighbor, king of my street, mayor of Freeland Ave, knows everyone by name, job title, vehicle and family tree. Living in one place all your life affords you the luxury of really getting to know your neighbors, and there isn’t a damn thing wrong with it. People with these backgrounds though, in my experience, just don’t understand the on-the-go lifestyle. Why would you ever want to leave the lovely burrough of Rox? Well, there are a million reasons in my book…life awaits and no better time life the present (or in my case, the next six months…yeah, I’m a planner).
So, why and how the hell did I get this way? Well, number one, genetics. Those who’ve met my momma know she’s hardly ever home. High school parties thrown in her absence may ring a bell. (Yeah, I almost got sent out of the country by queen B for some of those, but damn they were good times.) Plus, she’s pretty much the energizer bunny on crack, so GO is the only mode she knows. Being reared by a woman of her speed set the tone for my future pace. Although I wasn’t always this plan oriented, I do take after her fast track as of late. She once told me, in response to someone asking if she was scared to fly, “I’d rather die doing something, than doing nothing.” Says it all.
Another reason, or reasons I should say, I’m always out and about, has nothing to do with me and I cannot be held responsible for; my friends. These crazy kids are, 1. All over the country, and road trips are what we do; 2. Are hilarious, just ask anyone. Ok, maybe not anyone, but we think we’re pretty funny; 3. Into kicking the cat and doing what they do. Wherever we go, we have a blast and usually end up killing it.
So, nobody gonna take my pride, nobody gonna hold me down, on no, I gotta keep on movin. You want me, you better get me to look in my planner (which is always with me, I’m insane with plans, I wasn’t kidding) and make me pencil you in. Next few weeks are fillin up fast. Next up, may be movin on up…(Hunting dwellings tonight in Conshy with Queen B, gotta get out of paying the city wage tax man!), Thursday’s affair-Irish visits Philly (Gnocchi babies are delicious), Friday, I'm the chef, so taste this (Wash it down with Main Street), Saturday’s tasty Delaware affair (private wine pairing with the energizer bunny and friends). Until next week, get out there.


Chris said...

Dear Dumb Blond (when it suits you), yes you, you with the dusty key... You have an incredible gift (no I'm not prejudice - I know talent when I read it), dust off that planner of yours & pencil in a lot more writing time. You're going to blow the Mayor of Freeland Avenue away someday because he'll be able to haunt the halls of his humble abode forever & still say he knew you when.

Anonymous said...

Catie - this is so you and I totally agreed with every word

You are an amazing writer!