Sunday, January 9, 2011

Let Me Entertain Me

Sunday night blues don't happen to me often. Those of a certain age or lifestyle that no longer seems to fit me, may think I'm referring to the Sunday Scarries. This whole other state of mind need only one remedy I can remember: sleep, hair of the dog, hindsight. In college, I was afforded the luxury of sleep and did so with ease on those post weekend night days. As I grew slightly older and sot-of up, functioning on the weekends became a necessity and brunch bloodymary’s seemed to help for a short period of time. Finally, I arrived at hind-sight, where the nostalgic nausea remained in the forefront of my Friday and Saturday nights, allowing me enjoyment without morning regret. Now, every now and then hindsight can’t be found, no matter how hard I look, and I’m awoken by my little puppy, lapping my face at 7:30am (rain, shine, or Sunday Scarries) as if to say, “Mommy, Mommy, what were you thinking!? Now, let’s play!”

Sunday Blues don’t require sleep (although that often leads to the diagnosis) and the hair of the dog won’t cure them, as there never was a dog. They can be summed up as a weekend where you had every good intention of being productive, imaginative and adventurous, but somehow, fell short of the pedestal you had originally put these two coveted days on. Hindsight arrives and you are left wanting those days back, not to erase the mistakes you made, but to fill in the wholes that have led you with an anti-climatic Sunday night. I may be suffering from the over-ambitious, need for constant stimulation disease, or I may need to start doing more things alone, for lack of a partner in crime that feels the need to fill every moment. Jury's still out. Here's how it unfolded...

Sunday Blues, in this particular case, washed over me earlier in the day, as I was driving home from my Winter Series 5k in West Chester. Yes, I ran in this 27 degree weather and have the chapped cheeks to prove it! The race had been postponed from it's original date, Saturday. Saturday, for those on the east coast, brought freezing temperatures and snow flurries. A Winter Wonderland.....of Boredom it turned out (although that term is highly subjective for those who are content to just sit and be and not spazzes, as I am trying to recognize about myself).

After news of the race postponement that Saturday morning at 8:00 am, I found myself all dressed and ready with the whole day spreading before me. Joy?! Being the planner that I am, with no errands to run, no agenda's to adhere to that morning, we decided to take a long, wintry walk with our pup, followed by a mile run at the gym paired with a floor circuit. A great way to start the snowy morning! Now what? Most normal people would probably enjoy the winter solitude, the instant snow day lax you're allowed in that kind of weather. Not me. I immediately, almost frantically thought of indoor activities to partake in and came up with one of my favorite. Food. Leafing through my recipe bible, I found several recipes to create that week, formed a shopping list of necessary ingredients and proclaimed, "We need to go to the store!" Instant plan.

Heading to our local Giant, we gathered the food morsels needed for the coming week and stumbled upon an amazing discovery. The grocery store florist. We've recently flirted with the topic of Wedding, so unearthing this major piece of the wedding puzzle blew me away. Sending the above photo immediately to my mom with a "Found my Boutque" description had the satisfaction that came with crossing off a to do list item. Her response? "Very funny. You're not getting your flowers from Giant." Oh, mother, how the wheels of completion have already started spinning! The savings will be astronomical!

After the floral goldmind, we headed home to hang for the remainder of the day. Watched the flyers, did some wash, drank some Shock Tops. Just a snowy afternoon menagery of activity. Dinner arrived and Brad made Mega Bagel Burgers topped with provolone cheese & gucamole, sided with cajun brussel sprouts. It hit the spot. That evening we were heading to Mad River in Manayunk to catch up with some of my old Kutztwon buds, so got ready and hit the R6. Good times.

Sunday morning arrived and I hit the road for my 5K, leaving the Sunday Scarries home.

So, as I type out the things I accomplished, ate, saw, ran, planned this weekend, I am re-thinking my initial purpose of posting and considering myself a bit, well, nutty. Constant stimulation through back-to-back activity has many forms. What one person may see as a under-rated, couch-filled, in the house way too much weekend, another may see as a much needed break from an over-indulgent activity driven life, sprinkled with some pretty impressive (if I do say so myself) excercise, tasty treats, much needed reunions and an amazing partner in crime to share it with. I'm leaning toward the latter myself.

Happy Sunday!

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